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Quilt a Travel Souvenir by Kimberly Einmo
Pack your bags and get ready to take a quilt tour through Europe! Over a dozen eye-catching memory quilts in vibrant colors capture the color, texture, diversity, and grandeur of her travels, and her journey to create unique vacation memory quilts. Her beautiful quilt patterns are presented with easy to understand instructions, clear illustrations, and an engaging writing style. Above all, the author shares her love for quilts and her sense of adventure and fun while providing many suggestions for creating a tangible quilted souvenir to enjoy long after the vacation is over and the suitcases are unpacked! The book contains a balanced mix of precision piecing methods, fanciful machine applique, and stunning hand or machine embroidery scattered throughout, which is sure to appeal to many. The quilts can be sewn by using the most basic of sewing machines. Dozens of suggestions and helpful hints are included for using the many wonderful features and decorative stitches available on today's mid-range and high-end sewing machines. In each chapter, there is a special 'Try This' section that encourages the reader to learn a new technique or to try stepping beyond his or her quilting comfort zone.