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Make it Patriotic With 3-Yard Quilts
Make it Patriotic With 3-Yard Quilts - Book
8 new quilt designs to honor those who serve our country - past & present. Proudly show your colors with these new lap-size quilt designs. Twin and Queen/King size enlargement instructions are included in this book. You get three different sizes for all 8 quilt patterns! You will love the ease with which you can make the size quilt you desire. This book is filled with easy-to-follow instructions to take you quickly to the end results of beautiful quilts. Easy-to-select fabric for easy-to-make quilts are perfect for giving! Make it Patriotic With 3-Yard Quilts will become the perfect go-to quilt book for every occasion! For more quick and easy quilt pattern books, take a look at our growing 3-yard quilt library at Fabric Café.
Finished quilt sizes:
- Celebrations - 40 x 58 inches (101.6 x 147.32 cm)
- Fireworks - 42 x 62 inches (106.68 x 157.48 cm)
- Independence - 39 x 57 inches (99.06 x 144.78 cm)
- Jubilee - 40.5 x 58.5 inches (102.87 x 148.59 cm)
- Liberty - 42 x 60 inches (106.68 x 152.4 cm)
- United - 44.5 x 57.5 inches (113.03 x 146.05 cm)
- Valor - 43 x 61 inches (109.22 x 154.94 cm)
- Waves - 44 x 60 inches (111.76 x 152.4 cm)